I get some funny looks at the gym. I tend to grunt and groan a bit with effort at the end of a set, and combined with my young voice, that makes for a dangerous combination.
I see guys turn away from me all the time. Now this sucks because I work hard for my tight teen body and I want to show it off in tight workout clothes, with a little sweat as an accessory. But when I start heaving with my young voice, it makes all the dicks hard, and in their loose clothing, the guys who would normally stare at me have to turn the fuck around!
It sucks, man. Because this young voice chick is definitely a crotch watcher. If I’ve made a dick hard, I want to know it. It makes me proud, like I’ve done my job. Young voice phone chicks are supposed to make dicks hard and then cum. It’s a vicious cycle, I know.
So if you go to my gym, listen out for my young voice, or better yet, call me for some young voice phone sex!
Call me now! For Hot Young Voice Phone Sex! 1-888-662-6482