Prick Tease Phone Sex



Hiya! I was being a horrible prick tease today. I know. I know your saying to yourself Rachelle when aren’t you being a cock tease. Ummm. Never I guess! If it wasn’t so much fun then I wouldn’t be one! hee hee. But I was sitting in the cafeteria having something to eat for lunch. And I had actually packed a lunch amazing but true. But while I sat there and ate it. I saw a couple of guys and decided to have a little bit of fun. hee hee. I had a banana in my lunch and well we all know what bananas can look like ….. big huge cocks. So I looked right at them and took as much of that banana into my mouth as I could. Which was practically all of it and NO GAG either. hee hee. I am so bad. They just stared and had to pick their jaws up off the floor. I wont even tell you about my tongue action on the oreos in my lunch. That was really too much for those guys. hee hee. I can’t help it if I am just an oral person. Well thats it for this coed cock tease.

Coed Cock Tease Rachelle 1*888*662*6482

AIM coedvxnrachelle


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